IS Architect Resources

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Monday, June 27, 2005

VB6 to .NET

I need to evaluate whether to recommend migrating a pile of stuff from VB6 to .NET.
Federico Zufaly, whose company Artinsoft built the migration wizards for Microsoft, is quoted in this DevX article... as saying that VB developers first accept the following immutable truths:
  • You should not attempt migration until after your migration team has studied and learned the .NET environment
  • Migration, particularly the first time you do it, is going to be very frustrating
  • Migration is in no way a hands-off process
  • Some applications simply cannot be migrated automatically
  • The only applications worth migrating are those which the company intends to significantly enhance with functionality that only .NET can provide.

In other words, if you've imagined a process by which one loads some VB6 code into the wizard, does a few days' worth of debugging and testing, and emerges with a VB.NET application, you are living a fantasy. And the sooner you abandon that fantasy the better off you will be.


After a developer is sufficiently comfortable with .NET and has spent several weeks in studying the migration process with the tool, Zoufaly says that a migration should progress at an average rate of just 7,000 to 10,000 lines of code per week. Therefore, a 1 million-line VB6 application will take 100 weeks—two years—to upgrade. Seems a little slow for something that Microsoft had the hubris to dub a migration "wizard."


Any way, IT Toolbox has a number of useful looking links here.