IS Architect Resources

The aim of this blog is to capture recommended web resources for information system architects

Monday, June 16, 2003

Iterative Methods
Contains a comparison of RUP and C4D

Why System Architecture ?
And another answer

How Do You Define Software Architecture?
From SEI site

Background into Good System Architecture
Some discussion on time pressures

Gaudi project Book on System Architecting
Summary of a bunch of the Gaudi projcet material

Case for Enterprise Architecture
A Giga paper on this topic

-:| Why Architecture |:-
Another take on the same question

Why Create Software Architectures
Came across this in trying to find an answer to "Why Architecture?"

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Groove Networks, Inc., Desktop Collaboration Software
P2P collaboration environment. It looks secure enough. Really cool!

Monday, June 09, 2003

Metricnet : benchmarking of IT metrics: measurement data on IT spending and IT practices
This looks useful, and it's free, as long as you contribute to their surveys.

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

A Microsoft research project into validating message-passing software systems.

Monday, June 02, 2003

WorldWideWiki : OneBigWiki
A related concept to blogging - allows collaborative web page development. See also the Wikipedia link below